3D clutch on an 80 horsepower sled engine?

3D clutch on an 80 horsepower sled engine?

When oval kart racer Jordan Stotts contacted us a few weeks back asking if the 3D clutch could withstand the abuse of a 500cc 80 horsepower sled engine, we thought he was joking and that it was some kind of prank call. After finding out that this was a serious request, our response was stiffer springs, beefier sprocket, and perfect alignment of the planets.

Despite our warnings, Jordan placed the order for the custom build and we put together a clutch for him with a #428 13 tooth sprocket, and 250 pound high temp stainless springs which increased the static torque rating from 25 to 50 foot pounds.

To our complete amazement, Jordan won the very first race that he entered using the 3D clutch! He sent us a picture of the 'feature winner' sticker he received as well as closeup shots of the jackshaft assembly he custom built to work with the Yamaha Phazer 500.



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